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Thursday, June 10, 2010

MERS one Solo Show

My Buddy Mers has his first solo show This month at Solid Gallery One on Fairfax in Hollywood. Check out the press release for the exhibition below:

"Mers is a
Los Angeles based Graffiti Artist who has been actively painting aerosol murals since the early nineties. As a lifelong artist and a member of the legendary CBS Crew from Los Angeles, his creativity is not just confined to the large murals that he is widely known for. Mers has assembled a vast body of work on canvas and sculptures, a collection he will present as part of "Mers One: Paintings & Sculptures", along with an installation in the gallery. Although Mers has been exhibited in gallery settings in the past, Solid Gallery One is proud to host his first solo show opening on June 26th, 2010 and running through August 15th.

When viewing Mers' paintings, it's evident that his fascination with old cars is one of his greatest inspirations. He states the he has "always been attracted to old cars, especially abandoned old cars, and how such great works of art made of chrome and steel could be left to rot." He believes their resilience to weather and time affords them the utmost respect.

It is this fascination with forgotten works of art that reveals itself in Mers' sculptural works as well, as he often makes use of found objects. While giving the objects a new meaning and relevance within his dioramas and mixed media sculptures, Mers masterfully finds that nostalgic connection that pulls his viewers in. The sensitivity he uses in selecting the objects that relate to one another, and his use of medium and texture are stories unto themselves.

When viewing the work of Mers, one can see the ever present light hearted, tongue in cheek sense of humor that is what unites much of his collection. Together with his bold graffiti aesthetic, and his expert craftsmanship, "Mers One: Paintings & Sculptures", without question, will inspire the masses!

Please join us as we unveil his much anticipated debut exhibition!"

for info on the show contact Solid Gallery One here: info@solidgalleryone.com
contact the artist here: leadteeth@sbcglobal.net

Check out Mers' graffiti HERE
So you there..